Thursday, March 11, 2010

All Better

Ellery is definately feeling better now. She has her sass back! It took her a good week to get better. After she got the flu she did not eat anything for about 3 to 4 days. She would only take sips of stuff here and there. My Mom finally got her to start eating some macaroni and she has been on a macaroni kick ever since!!

Her voice is finally getting back to normal also. For awhile she sounded like she had just sucked on a helium balloon. It was kind of cute to hear her talk sassy with her helium voice. I did feel bad though because there were a couple times that other kids said "Your voice is funny!"

Delani is still her comedic little self. She is always trying to get people to laugh and smile. She is such a happy little thing!

We bought bunk beds last week. They just came in so we will have to see how this goes. Delani is such a climber...this could get interesting!

I know I say this all the time, but I am hoping to get some pictures uploaded to share with you. We finally have a computer at home so maybe I will try to do that this weekend.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Flu and T&A

Last Friday, the 12th, I picked up the kids from Erin's and went to the barn like we usually do. Gma Cooper was going to watch the girls for a little while so Andy and I could go out to dinner and go look at computers. The girls were running around playing and then all of a sudden Delani started throwing up. I thought maybe she had just been coughing and that got her going.


Gpa Cooper was holding her and she threw up all over him. I am really surprised he did not blow a gasket!!

Then Andy was standing there holding her and she threw up down his back.

We ended up going home and she threw up about 20 more times throughout the night and the next day.

On Sunday she seemed to be feeling much better. However, Andy did not. He was in bed all day. Then in the afternoon I started to feel like crap. Needless to say, we were competeing for the toilet. I ended up having it out both ways! Ugh!! No fun!!

Monday, I stayed home from work. Delani was back down all day. I think she just needed to catch up on some sleep. I didn't really feel all that well all day.

Don't ask me how but Ellery managed to not get it! I thought I was going to have to reschedule her surgery.

Thursday morning, we had to be at the hospital at 8:30. Gma Ball came and got Delani and took her to Papa & GG's. Then she came and met Andy and I down at the hospital with Ellery.

First of all, Ellery did not want to wear the little children's scrubs but we eventually got her talked into putting them on. They certainly were cute in my opinion. I do have pictures but they are not uploaded yet. Maybe I will get around to posting them later.

After being in the room for a little bit Ellery decided she wanted to go down to the play room. While we were in there a very nice lady, Amanda, came and showed us all about the mask they would be using for Ellery. She even gave Ellery her very own mask and chapstick. The chapstick is to help with the nasty smell of the sleeping gas. She walked through the whole process with us with pictures. It was very cool I thought.

Oh yeah...I must mention that Ellery was not allowed to have anything to eat after midnight the night before. She could have clear liquids up to 4 hours before surgery. I thought this was going to be a huge problem but she only asked for a snack one time and that was right before she went into surgery.

Her surgery was supposed to be at 10:30 but of course they were running behind and they didn't even come to get us until a little after 11 to bring us down to the surgery floor.

Once we got to the surgery floor, we walked into the waiting room and surprise surprise Gma Cooper was sitting there waiting for us. She works at the hospital on the heart floor and managed to get out early that day. So we played with the toys in there until they came to talk to us. The nurse had some really 'stylish pink' medicine for Ellery to take to help relax her and it also had something in it to make her not be able to remember what was happening. We had to fight her to take that. Andy had to hold onto her arms and I just had to put it in the side of her mouth and do a little at a time. She did manage to still spit out a good portion of it but the nurse said that she did get enough. She screamed from that point on.

The anesthesiologist came out to talk to us. She attempted to take Ellery back into surgery but that was not going to happen without me even thought she was completely out of it by this point. I don't think she (the anesthesiologist) was too happy about that but oh well!! I had to get all 'gowned' up in order to go back there. While I was putting everything on Ellery looked at me and said "Mom, you are NOT funny!"

Parden me my beautiful screaming daughter but I'm doing this for you!!

So then we head back in the OR. Once we get in there, they had me sit on a chair with Ellery in my lap. She was REALLY out of it but still combatative. She was trying to push that mask away from her face so I just had to hold her arms down and after about 3 or 4 breaths of the gas she was 'sawing logs'.

They took her from me and she was completely lifeless, it is kind of scary!! I started to walk out and they were like "Mom, you can give her a kiss if you want". I turned around and looked at her and just couldn't, I had to get out of there before I lost it!!!

So then we went across the hall into the waiting room. They gave us her patient number so that we could track what was going on. First, she was 'in holding' then she was 'in surgery' then it went to 'PACU' which is recovery.

After the surgery, the Dr came and talked to us and said that everything went fine and that of course they were very large.

Ugh, thanks for the info doc, isn't that the reason we were taking them out?

Anyways, about 15 minutes after that we got to go back in the recovery room. As we were walking back, I could hear her crying. The nurse told us that she just woke up and looked her the nurse and said "I don't like you!"

Way to use your manners there sweet child! I thought I taught you better than that!

The nurse said that she is used to it, she had been called everything in the book. She was very helpful to us. She was one of my favorite nurses we dealt with that day! Ellery started drinking water shortly after we got back there.

After a while in recovery (I say awhile because I really have no idea how long we were in there) they wheeled us up to her room. Yes, I got the pleasure of riding through the halls on the bed with her!!

Once we got back up to the room, they let Ellery have a popsicle. She LOVED the popsicles that they had (Minute Maid something or other). She wanted another one right away but they said that she had to wait a little bit. She kept asking when she could get her IV out, she said it was hurting her. Unfortunately, we were not able to get that off until right before we left. She was so tired but did not fall asleep until right before they were discharging us. So then of course she was wide awake again. I was surprised she just sat there and watched as the nurse took out the IV and just kind of whimpered a little bit.

We stopped at McDonald's on the way home to get her a shake. She had a couple bites of that and said "I want my burger know!"

Um, honey, we didn't get you a burger. That might hurt your throat a little bit!

On the way home, she said "I want to go get my sissy from G-ma GG's." I tried telling her that we were going to go home first and get settled in and see how things go. I was actually planning on leaving Delani there for the night but Ellery insisted on going to get her. Of course, right before we got there she fell alseep. I thought I could just sneak in real quick and grab Delani but Ellery ended up waking up and wanted to snuggle with Gma for a little bit.

We got home about 4 and Ellery did not go to sleep until a little after 6. I could not beleive she wasn't passed out cold on the way home. It was a fight to keep the meds in her throughout the night.

Friday she woke up and was in some pain but she was actually in a good mood. She was bored and wanted to do something. Andy was outside and she actually wanted to go outside!

Finally, she got to the point that she didn't want the meds at all. So I tried mixing it with the 'purple kind' (grape tylenol) but she caught onto that trick after the 2nd time. So then she wouldn't take that. Saturday Andy went to the store and got the 'meltaways'. She was hesitant about that but finally took it. Now it had been a struggle to get her to even take those.

She took the medicine a couple times today but only 1/2 of one. She has not eaten a thing all day long. This afternoon while Papa & GG were here, she threw up. I thought maybe it was from taking the meds on an empty stomach. She had thrown up 3 or 4 more times since then.

I feel so awful for her!! That has got to be so painful to throw up after just getting her tonsils out. I am surprised but she is actually taking it a lot better than I would have thought. She just whispers when she wants something and has not cried at all. Just little whimpers here and there.

I really hope she doesn't get sick again but time will tell. I'll update again when I get a chance!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Job Security for Dr Scalf's Office

I'll start off with Ellery...

In November (I think) Ellery had a dentist appointment. They told us that she had enlarged tonsils and that we should ask the Dr about it the next time we are there. So at her 4 year check up, they looked at them and referred us to an ENT.

Towards the end of January, we went to Dr Meleca. He quick looked at her ears and throat, ordered a pressure test, came back in the room and said "yep, we are going to do a tonsillectomy & adnoidectomy (T&A) and also put tubes in her ears." TUBES? My kid is 4 years old and has had 1 ear infection her entire life!?! They scheduled the surgery for February 10th. I left that Dr office that day with a bad vibe about this Dr. He was so short and too the point and made me feel like 'we are just taking them out to satisfy you'. After a couple of days and talking to several people, I decided to get a 2nd opinion.

We went to Dr Scalf's office on February 3rd. He was much more detail oriented than Dr Meleca. He agreed that we should go through with the T&A but he doesn't think we need tubes. He said that he could tell just by the way her facial features, flatness on her cheeks and her chin is down and back. I would have never noticed that but...I guess if you make a living doing it, you better know what you are talking about! He also said that she had a 'slightly deviated septum'. Basically, what that means is that one side of her nose is bigger than the other. He said that he doesn't think this will be an issue and hopefully she will outgrow it. So Ellery will be having a T&A on February 18th. Andy will be out of town doing a side job but thankfully G-ma Ball was able to get the day off work and help us out!

Now onto Delani....

Delani went for her 18 month check up in the beginning of January. The Dr said that she had an ear infection so she was put on Amoxicillan. A couple weeks later she was still crabby as heck so we took her BACK to the Dr. Sue enough, the infection did not go away. They then put her on Augmentin. This of course, gave her the runs and she ended up having the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. I felt so bad for her.

Delani has been whining on and off since the beginning on January. Last night, she was crying all night. So this morning, Andy took her back to the Dr again. They said that the redness is less and they did a pressure test on her. She has fluid in there still so they are starting her on a 2 week treatment (I'm not sure what it is right now). If this does not help, then we will be referred to an ENT. The Dr mentioned that ear problems are related to speech problems. When Andy mentioned that she doens't speak very well the Dr said that it is probably because she is not hearing us clearly. So I am hoping this new medicine will help!

Otherwise, off to Dr Scalf's office we will be!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

15 Months

I know last time I said that I would do pictures next but....I guess I lied!! It's hard to keep up with updating this when you don't have a computer at home!!! The only time I ever really get a chance to update is at work and well...I obviously need to work!! Anyways...

Delani had her 15 month check up last Friday. She weighed 20 lbs 15 oz and was 30 1/2 in. That puts her in the the 10% for weight and 46% for length. I didn't (and still don't) think Delani has a big head. But her head circumference is in the 95%!!! I like to tell myself that she is just going to be smart!! I looked back in Ellery's book and she was 20 lbs 12 oz and 32 1/2 in!! I guess Delani is just going to be a short little (still in 12 month pants) thing with big feet. She is already wearing a size 5 shoe!!! Ellery is only in a size 8. Delani had to get 3 shots and when the nurse put the band-aid on Delani ripped it right off and threw it. This is what she does when she gets mad, throws stuff and throws herself around which is sometimes quite humerous to watch! Delani still isn't talking much which was kind of a concern for me but the Dr said that it is normal for 2nd children to not talk as soon. The most you hear out of her is "ugh ugh ugh" and pointing! I have been trying to ignore that but sometimes it's just easier to give in. She hates hates hates getting changed and being fussed with.

Ellery is very insistant that she wants a cat. She asks me everyday if she can have one. I might get her one for her birthday and just keep it as an indoor cat. Ellery is so my girly girl while Delani is my little tom boy. Ellery is into princess this and princess that! This is sort of hard for me as I was never into that kind of stuff as a kid. I never played with barbies, dolls, princess'! I don't know where she is getting this girly attitude from but I think I am seriously going to be in trouble when she gets older! She insisted that she has to be a princess for Halloween. She will be Snow White...I'm sure she will freeze her buns off but oh well...that is less trick-or-treating we have to do! Haha!! Delani is going to be a cow. I will try to get pictures up pretty soon. I feel like such a bad Mom!!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where have we been?

I have not updated in a long time so this is probably going to be a long, boring post. On Delani's actual birthday, we hung out at the beach. Aunt Bill brought the kids out. It was our last really nice day that we have had this summer. We have not had good weather at all!

Andy and I both at the Thursday before the 4th off. We took the girls to Binder Park Zoo. The giraffes were really cool and the girls had fun feeding them. Sorry, I don't have any pictures downloaded yet. Friday & Saturday we just hung out at the beach. It was cloudy & rainy in the morning but ended up being somewhat nice in the afternoon. We had the boat parade on the 4th. We did the 'Pink Arrow' theme & also a 'Hawaiian' theme. We were a little behind so we weren't really in the parade so we kind of had our own parade. Haha!

A couple weekends ago was the lake association 'pig roast'. They normally have a pig roast but this year it was just hot dogs and brats and everyone had to bring a dish to pass. There was lots of yummy food and the kids all got sand buckets with toys & bubbles.

Last weekend, the weather wasn't very nice again. We hung out at the beach Friday night. Andy went to Grand Haven on a friends boat. I went to a Tastefully Simple party for a couple hours and then just hung out with the girls. On Sunday, we went over to G-ma & G-pa Coopers. G-ma Gert & Great-Great G-ma K (not sure of the spelling) were over. Then we went on a long bike ride on The White Pine Trail. We stopped and got ice cream and went to the park. The girls had fun and were wore out after that. Delani fell asleep right when she got out of the bath at around 8 and slept thru the night. I had to wake both the girls up in the morning.

It sounds like it is finally going to get out & humid this week so I'm hoping we will have a good beach weekend! I will do a picture post once I get the last months worth of pictures up!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Delani's 1st Birthday

On Saturday we had Delani's 1st birthday party/G-ma GG's 80th birthday party/Father's Day with my Mom's family. I made the mistake of making Delani eat BEFORE cake, geez, what was I thinking? So by the time it was 'cake time' she didn't really want to eat anymore. It took her a little while to get started but once she got a little taste she really got into it!
Aunt Karen made a cake just for Delani

What do you want me to do with this thing?


Happy now that she got a taste of the cake

Sugar buzz

After cake we moved on to the presents. I think the big kids had more fun with the present opening than Delani did! We kept the boys (Brady & Marek) busy by throwing the wrapping paper/tissue paper in the fire. Ellery helped her baby sissy with the opening part and Delani just got to enjoy her presents!

Delani loves to carry around little people. She doesn't even really play with them- just carries them around. G-ma Ball got her these!

The party was at 12 so we were done by 3ish. Delani fell asleep on the way home so we ran a few errands and just let her sleep. When we got home, we packed our bags and headed over to the lake. We cooked out over there and I was surprised the kids actually held on until 10:30!

Delani hanging out with Dad and her birthday buddy, Uncle Ross. Ross said in the beginning of June that I was going to have this baby on 06/26/08 (due date was 06/20). I told him he was crazy and I better not go that late!! Sure enough, Delani decided to come on Ross' 30th birthday. Ross called the next day to see how everyone was doing and said that he "was still trying to recover from celebrating Delani's birthday." Haha!

Ellery: Mom, I gotta go potty!

Me: Just go in the lake Ellery

Ellery goes into the lake and pulls her bottoms down so she could go potty. There was only one problem- the strap from her life jacket! Silly girl!

Andy went golfing on Sunday, for Father's day. Ellery slept until noon!! Delani woke up around 8 and was up for an 1 1/2 and went back to sleep until noon. We really wore them out Saturday I guess. When Andy got home we set up our new trampoline. That is the new thing we have to do every night. I might just end up regretting buying this thing! Haha!

This Friday, I have the day off. We are planning on beachin' it! Audree & her girls, Annitra & her girls and possibly Aunt Bill and the kids will be there. It is supposed to be a nice day so we should have a good time. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Delani's 1st year. I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the coming year!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Showboat Concert

We went to the concert at the Showboat last night. I forgot my camera (duh Mom) so I got a few pictures and videos from my phone. They are not very good quality pictures but they are still cute! Ellery & Mayson were dancing fools and Delani just wondered around picking up rocks and bringing them back to me shaking her head 'no'! I love this 'copycat' stage she is in right now. It is so much fun!

She is a climber!!

This is her new thing..."Ooooooo"

Delani has a shoe fetish, can you tell? You can't really tell what she is grabbing in this high quality video but she went and picked up some other little girls sandals!

Picking up rocks & bringing them to Mama is so much fun!

Next week, hopefully I will remember my camera so that I have better pictures!